Bed Exercise or Floor Exercise with Excy Hand Ergometer

Forward Cycling

Reverse Pedaling

Back and Forth

Bed Exercise or Floor Exercise Video with Excy Hand Ergometer
To get started with bed exercise or floor exercise upper body ergometer workouts, open the Excy system and place the pin in the top hole. Sit down on the floor or in a bed. Turn the Excy system around to where the rider is looking at the Excy logo. Place the Front Base (chrome bar) under your sitting bones for a snug fit. Consider placing a pillow under your knees for better ergonomic positioning for the bed exercise and floor exercise position. To begin cranking, place one crank arm in the top furthest position away from the body (between 2 and 3 o’clock). Place your hand on the pedal and make sure you have 5-10 degree bend at elbow. Pivot crank arms forward and adjust if necessary so that your elbow is never locked or fully extended when pedaling. The crank arm should be at its highest position and as close to shoulder height as possible. If the axis is too high there will be impingement at the 12 o’clock position. Too low and there can be supraspinatus/biceps tendon strain at the 6 o’clock position. In most cases, it is ideal to set the axis level to the shoulder or just 1-2” below. The most ergonomically comfortable and safe hand position is grabbing the end of the pedals with palms facing each other (which keeps your forearm and wrist in the anatomically neutral position and puts less stress in both the proximal and distal radio-ulnar joints). Make sure your thumb is not near the crank arm as it may get pinched during cranking. Hand pedals or hand gloves can be added for comfort. If you need additional posture support, consider using pillows, a wall, a couch, or an exercise ball as a backrest. Exercise: As your right hand pushes forward and down, your left hand circles backward and up to complete the rotation of the pedals. The muscles of your core, your arms, including your biceps and triceps, along with your shoulders, and upper back, including the trapezius and posterior deltoids, supply the motion for the forward pedaling on the arm cycle. Focus on good posture while pedaling, as you will engage every upper body muscle with an emphasis your arms and shoulders. Keep your chin up; back straight, shoulders back, and your torso/core strong. Start easy for duration, intensity, and resistance levels as upper body muscles are smaller, weaker and less efficient, which means it is easy to get very sore muscles almost immediately if you jump into high tension cranking motions that you are note use to. See other hand cycle bed exercise and floor positions for “Back and Forth”, “Isometric”, and “Backwards Pedaling” exercises
On-Demand Upper Body Ergometer Workout
Live Bed Exercise and Floor Hand Cycling Workouts
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Snapshot Bed Exercises with Hand and Leg Cycling
Snapshot Floor Hand Cycling
Getting Started
There’s a big advantage of pedaling, spinning, or cranking Excy with controlled forces. Take time to pedal slowly at the easiest levels until it feels smooth and controlled before increasing resistance. Before pedaling, always protect your surface with a towel or mat.
Pedaling Forwards & Backwards
Whether using hands or feet, think in terms of square rotations to improve technique. Envision pushing your hand or foot forward along the top of a square and pushing down against the front side of the square and pulling towards your body as you pull up the backside of the square. To pedal backwards, follow the same process.
Back and Forth Strokes
Pedaling back and forth is great for range of motion and strength training. Simply apply pressure, unweight the opposite hand or foot in a repeating motion.
Instead of relying on pedaling with resistance cranked up to fatigue the muscle, you will instead set the resistance to easy and steadily press into the pedals with even forces to constrict your upper or lower body muscles and hold it until fatigue sets in.
Resistance Guidelines for Clinic and Home Physical Therapy
Excy offers a wide range of resistance to accommodate all riders. Depending on your goals, you may want to do more rotations or cranks with less resistance, or the opposite. Excy is designed to take either path or a combination of both. Generally, rotations with light to moderate resistance are used to improve cardio vascular endurance, while high resistance with fewer cranks are used to increase muscle size and strength. It is important to start easy before increasing tension as it is easy to get very sore muscles almost immediately doing high tension cranking motions that a person is not use to.
Upper Body Setup Guidelines
- Palms facing each other
- 5-10 degree in elbow
- Pedal axis at shoulder or 1-2″ below
- Never hyper extend elbow
- Focus on good posture and engage core
- Pin placement will vary based on user preferences and goals
Lower Body Setup Guidelines
- Start with heel on pedal with straight leg
- Cycle with the balls of your feet (aligned with metatarsal)
- 20-30 degree bend in knee while cycling
- Hips/feet/knees properly aligned (do not splay feet or knees inwards or outwards)
- Barefoot and socks favored
- Never hyper extend knee
- Pin placement will vary based on user preferences and goals
On-Demand Exercise, Home Physical Therapy, and Strength Training Instruction!

Download the free Excy mobile coaching application for on-demand, live, and guided workouts. Save workouts, set goals, and keep track of progress over time! Watch instructional videos from physical therapists to learn proper technique. Contact with questions at or 425-205-9444.