Excy Customer Reviews
Real People. Real Challenges. Real Solutions.
Former Marathon Runner Embraces Excy Therapeutic Cycling for Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms
Paralympic Gold Medalist Uses Excy Hand Bike to Train While Traveling
Excy Embraced as Portable Stationary Exercise Bike After Hip Surgery and for Life
One Woman’s Quest to Stay Active After Brostrom Ankle Surgery with Non-Weight Bearing Exercises
Have an Excy story to share? Contact excy@excy.com!

Retired Neuro-Radiologist
“I have always exercised and it’s important to me. People need to know they shouldn’t just sit there when they can easily multi-task in exercise. Your health is an investment and Excy is incredibly competent, efficient, convenient and fun machine.
The beauty in Excy is being able to sit at home and being able to multi-task in anti-sedentary exercise. I can watch videos and television without guilt and know that I am doing something healthy. I love that Excy is always available to me and that I don’t have to give up other activities that are important to me. It’s changed my life. Plus, I don’t have to have a monstrous machine in my home. Because of Excy, I now have confidence to take my road recumbent bike back out this summer. It is giving me access again. It’s the perfect indoor recumbent bike. I love this machine.“

“I have tons of muscle imbalances all over my body. I also have long standing back issues that are a result of overuse, lack of stretching, not enough focus on developing core muscles, etc. In fact, my core is so neglected that I have a lot of trouble activating those muscles because everything else in my body kicks in to compensate. With that in mind, I’ve found that the Excy workouts provide a slightly different range of motion that none of my muscles are great at, so they can all chime in at appropriate levels for an efficient workout.”
Katharine predominately uses Excy for upper and lower body cycling that incorporates core training and stretching about 20 minutes per day to supplement other workouts. With a bi-directional resistance range of 2-70 pounds, Katharine finds the Excy workouts “beefy” enough to make a difference, as well as fun where she doesn’t feel like it’s what she calls a “core workout slog.”

In 1996 while cleaning up Hurricane damage in NC, she sustained a Spinal Cord Injury leaving her partially paralyzed from the waist down. With aggressive therapy and fitness rehabilitation she was able to pass fitness standards and remained on active duty. Highlights of her 23 year career include: four command assignments (in Guam, Parris Island SC, Camp Lejeune NC, and Fort Meade MD), her duty as Director of the Special Support Activity, NSA at the onset of the War on Terrorism, her final assignment as Defense Representative and US Defense Attaché to Latvia, and four brief support deployments to the Middle East (Kuwait and Iraq). Due to injury, surgeries, Leigh has not raced since mid-2016 and continues to rehab her shoulder with a SciFit in a physical therapy clinic and uses Excy at home as an upper body ergometer as she trains for a hopeful return to competition by mid-2018.

“My story is like so many others…I’m a mom who works too much and finds every excuse in the book to not exercise. I believe running around after twins qualifies, but my heart rate isn’t reaching it’s optimum level and it’s certainly not consistent. I joined a gym in the hopes that the monthly payment would guilt me into going, and it worked for a month or two. I of course continued to pay the fees because just maybe I would feel like working out during lunch or on my way home. I eat fairly healthy (I do love sugar), I am not overweight, I enjoy hiking with my family, but I just wasn’t motivated to schedule exercise into my life. And then I turned 40. For me, Excy is a great because I can get in a workout whenever and wherever I want. I have used it while waiting for the oven to heat up to prepare dinner, while my kids are watching a cartoon on the couch and on the patio while the kids run through the sprinkler. We recently moved to Singapore and while we have a gym in our condo complex, the upper body machines always seem to be in-use so I use Excy for my arm workouts instead. I love that it’s lightweight and convenient, and I’m so glad that I brought it.”

“On March 5, 2017 I tore my ACL racing motocross and a week later had surgery to repair my ACL using donor tissue. I am 15-years old. Little did I know that with this type of injury recovery can take up to 9 months in order for the donor tissue to become my own. In addition to prescribing physical therapy the doctor gave me a little under-the-desk bike peddler to help with flexibility. Within 5 minutes it would overheat and I knew this peddler was not going to cut it with my road to a very long recovery. That is when I found Excy and gave it a shot. I tell you it is the best shot we ever took! Not only am I able to use it at home or when traveling, but my whole family is able to benefit from the workouts that are readily available on Facebook and Youtube.
I brought the Excy along to my first appointment and it peaked my Physical Therapist’s interest. He was eager to see how it worked and was supportive of me using it at home to incorporate strength exercises that he gave me. I started off slow with the resistance and slowly built up, when I was done working on my legs I was able to move to my upper body. Every follow-up Doctor and Physical Therapy appointment I go to they are extremely impressed with the strides I have made in the strength, muscle growth and flexibility around my knee. The Excy is an all-body workout and there are so many creative workout options to keep me in good shape, not to mention it is compact and slides under my bed when not in use.”

“I started distance running when I turned 40 and ran five marathons from 1982 – 1986 (four in New York City and one in Boston). I’ve always been health conscious. I’m 76-years-old and in of March 2016, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. One of the first things my doctor said is that exercise is the best way to slow the progression. I read all the research on Parkinson’s and exercise, especially the benefits of riding an exercise bike with Parkinson’s, and wanted to try exercise as my first line of defense. That’s when I got my Excy system and have been using it 4-days a week for almost a year. When I my legs hurt, exercising with Excy helps them feel better. I Iove that I can do it from any couch, which means no missed workouts. The more I exercise with Parkinson’s, the better I feel both physically and mentally. Excy is just so convenient, it’s easy to adjust, and simple to set up. I also do Yoga once a week with my wife and just started boxing twice a week. My wife says that exercise has given me back my life and I feel more energetic. Exercise is powerful medicine at any age and I appreciate how helpful Excy has been in providing easy access to exercise to improve my quality of life with Parkinson’s disease.”

“After more than 20 years of working as a dental hygienist and starting to experience hand and wrist pain, using Excy as an upper body arm bike has really helped strengthen my wrists, forearms, and shoulders. I’m very active with running, yoga, paddle boarding, hiking, and more, but finding time during the week to squeeze in enough exercise is challenging after a long day of work, especially during colder months. Before Excy, I might come home and unwind with a glass of red wine, but now I unwind frequently with an amazing Excy workout at home. Not only does it help ease the pain in my wrist and shoulders, the Excy upper body workouts also help increase my strength so I can work longer more comfortably as I age in a career that is predisposed to hand, wrist, and arm injuries. Excy is also helping me prepare for mini triathlons in the spring and the versatility of Excy’s upper body cardio and strength training workouts are a key aspect of my training for swimming and biking.”

“Since playing soccer in high school and college, I’ve considered myself a runner. But between work and home life, there’s never enough time to run as much as I’d like during the week. Even if there was enough time, my joints wouldn’t be happy. Excy is a perfect supplement to my running schedule and it helps me get more activity during the week while still spending time at home with the kids and without disrupting our schedule. It takes up no space. You can really crank hard for a serious calorie burn or take it for a light spin. It’s great for people of all ages and all levels of fitness. My favorite Excy position is sitting on the floor and transitioning between arm and leg cycling workouts at higher levels of resistance and intensity.”

“As a long-time cardio and strength training enthusiast, my health and fitness levels has always been an important part of my life from the time I was a teenager to a 25 year career in the Navy as a diver and nurse, to now being a member of a search and rescue dive team. I have been running, surfing, hiking, and lifting weights nearly my entire adult life. Years of running has taken its toll on my knees and I also have had tendonitis in my forearm that cortisone shots have been unable to reduce the pain. I love that I can cycle Excy for a great cardio workout with my legs with no impact on my knees. The upper body cardio and strength training workouts have helped eliminate the pain in my forearm and I’ve really been able to focus on strengthening my core. Excy offers so much versatility with bi-directional resistance that it truly is muscle confusion at its best. I am completely addicted to Excy as part of my daily workout routine.”

“Twelve years ago I found myself 100+ pounds overweight. I decided I had enough. Changed my diet and started to use our gym at work. I built a gym in my home to make it easy to have gym access. I lost 110 lbs. Yay me! Ten years ago I was diagnosed with MS. And my exercise program took on a different mission. Keep moving to continue moving. When I saw Excy on King 5 I was thrilled! Anything to keep my exercise easier. That I can move Excy around is too cool. I can do an arm workout in the kitchen while my dogs are eating or I can go out on my deck to make a bench an exercise machine. I’ve been considering a second Excy at work. Love it!”

“As a full-time speech pathologist and mother of two active kids, crushing a workout routine consistently is tough when it feels like you are constantly crunched for time. I work hard to squeeze in two short and one long run per week as I train for the next half marathon, but finding time to cross train for optimal performance felt nearly impossible until I started using Excy. I love that I can squeeze in a high-intensity interval upper body workout with Excy while watching TV at night after a long day of work. With resistance cranked up, these short interval workouts are tough and totally efficient. I also use Excy during our everyday routine as an exercise bike. For example, I take it to my son’s baseball games and pedal away, as well as my daughter’s dance classes. Excy makes it so much easier to squeeze in a quality workout whenever and wherever I want, which is why it has bubbled up to the top of my training lists.”

“Having been an active runner and cardiovascular junkie for the last 40 plus years, the reality of having to have knee surgery and being advised I’d be non-weight bearing for six weeks sent more than a bit of anxiety and trepidation through my body. I needed something that would allow an upper body workout without engaging my knee in any movement at all. Like a beacon of sunshine coming through a storm, I discovered the Excy. Now two weeks post op, I couldn’t be happier having been able to implement different arms only workouts with Excy in varying motions, speed and intervals such that I’m able to get my daily dose of endorphins. All of which helps my psyche and allows me to get though subsequent physical therapy on my leg without too much complaining. The Excy is a great machine that packs a mighty cardiovascular punch and is remarkably convenient and uniquely portable. I’m sure my addictive personality, and the joy of using the Excy, will have it remain part of my exercise routine even when I’m back up and running again!”

“After having our second baby, Excy has helped me so much on so many levels – getting active again, losing baby weight, toning my arms, and more. Plus, my two year-old even likes to sit on the floor and pedal Excy with his hands! I never thought I’d have to share a piece of exercise equipment with my child, but we all love it. Also, I live in 840 sq ft house, so ease of storage is huge! My favorite position is on the floor and cycling with my arms.”

“Excy helps motivate me to exercise while watching television. I even took it on vacation to stay active. I like the comfort of using Excy as a recumbent exercise bike with my own chair.”

“For the first time in years, I am consistently exercising at least 4 days a week because Excy is so convenient. I am noticing that my muscles are becoming more toned and I feel more energetic. I have struggled with muscle weakness due to being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and being treated for Lyme disease. I needed something that was portable and convenient since exercising can be difficult. I work and also have two little kids, so have time limitations in my day. Excy is so convenient and gets you moving while being able to spend time with your family, checking email, or catching up on social media. It is the only exercise routine that I have been able to actually stick with.”

“When I tore my ACL, I loved using Excy in the weeks before my surgery because I could do a great upper body workout and burn calories and also gently strengthen my leg muscles to prep for a better recovery. Two days after surgery, I was back at it with using Excy for upper body workouts in a fun and effective way. And three weeks after surgery, I started using Excy for my rehab with permission of my PT. Now, one year later, I use Excy several times a week and feel strong.”

“I do a lot of driving for work and the last thing I want to do after a long day on the road is go to a hotel gym, so I use Excy in my hotel room. It’s easy to place in the car, carry to the room, and do a quick workout after a long day of meetings. Since I’m on the road so much, when I’m home, I want to be home with my family. Excy is an effective, good, and simple workout that I can do while spending time with my wife and kids. We even have competitions to see who can generate the most power on Excy. I’ve been able to lose weight and have more energy. My favorite position is transitioning between using Excy as a recumbent exercise bike and upper body cycle while sitting on the couch.”

“I grew up riding horses, which I did competitively through college, and my health has always been a priority. But having kids and running the household make it hard to squeeze in enough exercise. I recently tore my ACL and meniscus while playing tennis and was worried about gaining weight and losing my fitness during my recovery. By using Excy as an upper body arm cycle, I’ve been able to get my heart rate up and stay active, even while on crutches and not being able to drive a car. I’m now using Excy as part of my knee rehab and to supplement my physical therapy. Excy offers so much versatility for upper and lower body workouts and a level of convenience I’ve never seen for a total body workout. It really is a total gym in a small, lightweight package. Our whole family uses Excy. My kids think it’s fun and my husband cycles while watching television. My favorite position is turning the couch into a recumbent exercise bike to spin while watching television with the family.”

“Being a busy mom, I know how difficult it is to find time in my schedule to fit in exercise. I’m often at school, offsite working, at taekwondo or soccer practices, meets, or games. Plus, I live in a small house, and space is a premium. Excy is sincerely the best exercise equipment for my busy lifestyle, hands down. I use it on my arms and legs, but mostly legs. It’s easy to set up, and I can use it laying down on the floor, or sitting up on a chair or couch. Did I mention that I live in a small house? Since the Excy folds up flat, it is SO COMPACT it takes up a minimum amount of space in my home. Also, since it is compact, it takes up little space in my (small) car, along with the kids, soccer gear, camping chairs to watch the soccer practices, and taekwondo gear that I cart around as well. It’s just a brilliant invention for cardio and strength training.”

“Excy is such a unique piece of exercise equipment and will help you tone up. I’ve lost almost 20 pounds and appreciate that it’s not a huge piece of equipment that takes up space in our home. My main motivation has been for weight loss and I noticed I feel toned in my arms. I can watch TV, read social media, and sit in the room with the rest of the family. It’s so easy to set up. My favorite Excy position is sitting on the couch and alternating back and forth between the recumbent exercise bike and upper body cycle positions.”

“I am getting more activity with Excy. It’s easy to come home after work, set it up, and start cycling while I watch the news and dinner is cooking. I just turned 50 and work full-time, so I need to get my body moving. I was ready to buy a stationary bike for my living room and Excy is the perfect solution because it’s compact, quick, and easy to use. I usually sit in a chair or lay on the floor. I like the floor best because it doesn’t strain my back and I can get more power in pedaling.”

Excy has been everything I had hoped it would be, I am very pleased with my purchase. In 2014 I experienced a very serious fracture to my right ankle – crushed my talus. In the end, I have a subtalar fusion and dire warnings from my surgeon that running needs to be off the list of exercise. I love to bike but in western Washington, that is only enjoyable a few months out of the year and very time consuming, so not practical on a regular basis. I am very busy like most moms. I work full time and homeschool my three children. Using Excy, I can turn my TV/snack time into something productive (and much healthier than snacking!), yet still relaxing.
The best part about owning Excy was discovering that the shape of the pedals allowed me to curl my toes over the edge when pedaling barefoot. One of the side effects of my ankle damage was scar tissue build-up that bound the tendon controlling my big toe. My surgeon cleaned it up in my last surgery and impressed upon me that I had to work at strengthening my toe and foot daily or the scar tissue would come back and I would lose my little bit of function again. I had a really hard time finding exercises that didn’t cause my foot to cramp. I am very happy to report that Excy does a fabulous job of working those muscles without causing me pain. I am walking better than I have in years and I can curl my toe for the first time since the break. It sounds trivial, but it is so huge for my well being to regain any semblance of pre-break normalcy.

“I am a senior and have been active my whole life while raising competitive kids who now are raising children of their own. I value energy to actively be involved with my grandkids, family, and friends. I would highly recommend Excy to a friend and have been very satisfied with my Excy system. It’s reliable, high quality, easy to use and fun. We can’t let age stop us from seeking the health benefits of exercise. I use Excy for arms and legs and mostly focus on using Excy and exercise bike from a chair, which has been helpful post rehab after having my knee replaced. Excy is so convenient. It’s easy to operate and all around handy to have around. Being healthy is critical to independence and Excy is always there when and where I need it.“

“9 days Post ACL and medial Meniscectomy surgery I can’t believe I’m bending my knee this much. This is awesome and is going to be a huge game changer for getting more range of motion and strength back quicker. So excited that I feel so hopeful now for getting back in shape and rehab. This is such a great investment. Having it conveniently located in my room will make it actually get used frequently.”

“I use Excy for weight loss while my kids use it for fun. It’s great to see them watching TV and exercising vs. just sitting. I would recommend Excy to anyone. I love its convenience. My favorite position is placing myself in a push up position while cycling my legs, as well as using it as a recumbent exercise bike while watching TV or reading.”

“I’m 67 and love Excy’s excellent quality, ease of use, and it’s so easy to fold for easy storage. I enjoy using Excy while watching my favorite TV shows and mostly use it as an exercise bike from my chair. I purchased Excy to help me move more and it’s doing its job even better than expected!

“I use Excy everyday and love its versatility for upper and lower body, as well as the small size for portability. My favorite position is sitting on a higher stool/chair and cycling my legs while watching TV. Also love using Excy as an upper body arm bike on a table for arm workouts and movement. I had a upper arm fracture over a year ago that continued to bother me and Excy helps loosen it up and is helping reduce stiffness and pain. Looking forward to taking it with me on a road trip!”

“I have a horrible shoulder with a torn rotator cuff and arthritis. I’ve been using Excy as an upper body arm cycle and for the first time in years, I can reach behind my back and pull my sleeve off, whereas before my husband had to help me. I use it every day, and sometimes twice a day and it’s nice to get range of motion back. My favorite position is placing Excy on the table to use like an upper body ergometer. Excy is so light and compact that seniors like me can easily move it around.”

“Our kids Excy while playing video games and really enjoy the ability to pedal backwards. It’s a great portable solution that is easy to store out of the way. The kids like using it as a recumbent chair cycle.”

“Excy is a great workout, and very easy to set up and tote around to exercise for health anywhere. It’s very high quality, but the best part is that it sits in my house and I can’t avoid it. Every time I walk by my Excy I have to use it. I love that it is a full body workout too and that the company does a lot of live streaming workout challenges that you can view at your own convenience for ideas. It’s fun, totally reliable, easy to use and I love the versatility.”