Excy XCR 300
Seated Upper Body Ergometer with Power Weight Rack or Squat Stand

Setup: Place a chair, wheelchair, or exercise ball in front a rack. Place the Excy XCR 300 on the rack where the pedal axis will be 1 to 2 inches below the shoulder while pedaling. Adjust chair, wheelchair, or exercise ball forward or backward to a comfortable location for upper body movement that encourages proper posture or at the desired angle for specific training or rehabilitation movements. Keep your belly button aligned with the rack at extension. Avoid locking arms at extension by adjusting the seat position. Move the XCR 300 up or down the rack to change muscle groups. Do not hyper-extend elbow by stepping too far away. Cranking motions can be done forwards, backwards, in small back and forth rotations, as well as isometrically.
Click here to see more training positions.
Illustration provided by PT-Helper, a customizable exercise application.
Watch the video for seated upper body ergometer instructions.