Safely Ride a Pedal Exerciser Anywhere!

Full Body Portable Pedal Exerciser for Cardio, Strength Training, and Home Physical Therapy



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Pedal Exerciser for Anywhere Quality Full Body Workouts

If you’re on the hunt for a high quality portable pedal exerciser (also often known as a desk cycle, exercise bike or exercise peddler), you’ll want to checkout today’s live Excy workout where we turn a bar stool into a full-blown cycling experience. We used the Excy Mobile Coach Cycling Blast Workout, which is a 15 minute interval session that varies from a light to intense pedal exerciser cycling workout. We then wrapped it up with a 5 minute quick exercise cycling burst. We also incorporated hand weights for a total body cycling workout and even jumped into a unicycle exercise bike position, which can be an amazing desk cycle workout at a standup desk. The Excy full body cycling system offers over 100 different workouts that you can explore whether looking for cardio, strength training, or a home physical therapy. Visit our YouTube channel for a quick glance that not only show pedal exerciser leg positions, but also arm cycling. The Excy portable exerciser only weighs 14 pounds, folds for easy storage and transport, and also works as a recumbent exercise bike, floor cycle, unicycle, upper body ergometer, and so much more. It’s extremely convenient to exercise at home, work, or on the go!

No Other Pedal Exerciser Comes Close

A quick keyword search on Amazon for “pedal exerciser” will turn up over over 1,000 results, which can make it confusing on which system is for you. Most of the pedal exercisers on Amazon will work if you are looking for low intensity and don’t mind scooting. But, if you are looking for a high quality device and a workout that simulates the same quality cardio and strength-training movements frequently used by rehabilitation centers, know that nothing can compete with us on convenience or in dual-purpose functionality for quality upper and lower body cycling workouts anywhere with a single device. Having a mobile coaching platform that serves up on-demand workouts and tracks results puts a cherry on top. With over 20X resistance force of any portable exerciser on the market with a range of 2-70 pounds, with think you’ll love our rugged workouts! Plus, you get so much more with our full body approach that marries the power of low impact cardio with resistance training and on-demand coaching to meet the fitness needs of those looking to stay healthy while battling injury, disease, or disability.

Here’s the Live Chair Pedal Exerciser Workout


Here’s a Snapshot of the Chair Pedal Exerciser Workout


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