I am the first one to admit I love Meghan Trainor’s song “All About That Bass,” as does my family, and support her rally around positive body image perception. We too believe in loving every inch, while also striving for thoughtful and meaningful conversations about what’s happening on the inside of our bodies, especially if our “Bass” is sedentary and sitting disease is on the horizon.

Read for All About That Thutt Video

Meghan Trainor All About That Bass

Image: Meghan Trainor Instagram

As we highlighted in our post Beauty Work and Celebrity Bodies: Illusion vs. Truth, heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. With studies showing distinct spikes in deadly heart attacks around Christmas and New Year’s Day, what could be a better time to talk about getting “That Bass” moving and on a better road to health for those who are willing and capable.

In fact, we could even have a little fun with this and ask Meghan Trainor to create a music video full of fun exercises for the “thutt,” you know, the troublesome thigh butt area. Until the “All About That Thutt” video happens, we’ve included a few tips on how to minimize that thutt, while having fun. So, if you’re one of the 45+ million folks traveling over the holidays, never fear, whatever type of getaway you are on, keeping the “thutt” in check is easier than getting through TSA security!


You’re the adventuresome type who wants your kids to experience the great outdoors. You’re booked, so what are those extra curricular activities to help you with your “thutt” in an hour?

  • For the animal lover: You’re not competing for the Triple Crown, but jockeys don’t have killer thighs and legs for nothing! Horse riding is fun for all the family and you can burn 236 calories or more an hour doing a general ride. Bump that up to a trot or gallop and then you’ll really start burning calories.
  • For the outdoors person: How about a gentle hike through a pristine forest, or along a glittering golden shoreline? One hour later and you might not have realized you make have burned almost 200 calories or more (especially if you climbed a few hills carrying a small child in a backpack).
  • For the fish: High resistance, low impact, with both physical and mental benefits, freestyle swimming is a wonderful exercise for the whole body and family. Even a slow freestyle pace could help you burn 400+ calories an hour.


  • For the wander: You love the urban jungle, well, for city-goers, the best way to see a vacation destination is to walk it. Eschew other transport options and go for a stroll. Let your feet do the work and even at a slow pace you can burn 150+ calories. A brisk pace will burn even more.
  • For the culturally curious: Live like a local, meet new people and learn about cultural fitness while burning some calories too!
  • For the biker: Biking has taken many urban metropolises by storm, in most major cities renting a bike for the day is a great way to see the city, enjoy the sight seeing from the comfort of your bike seat.


You’ve booked a beach getaway – we’re jealous. But, in between taking advantage of poolside all you can eat, or decadent buffets, sun bathing (remember SPF!) and lounging, there are plenty of ways to channel your inner Sporty Spice:

  • For the beach bum: Most beach resorts feature a volleyball court. Running, jumping in sand (cue “thutt” buster), and playing volleyball exerts quite a few calories. In fact, Harvard Health Publications reports that a 185-pound person burns 133 calories in 30 minutes of noncompetitive volleyball. If the intensity of the game escalates to a competitive pace, the same person burns 178 calories in 30 minutes. More margaritas for you!
  • For the view on the water: Paddle boarding strengthens your core, and builds lean arm and leg muscles … Wonder why Cindy Crawford looks so great? Paddle boarding is a great way to burn calories and see the shores in a whole new way
  • For the classist: Typically most resorts will have a gym with a stationary bike or treadmill, as well as a schedule of classes that range from Zumba, to beachside yoga, water aerobics, salsa and more. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, raise your heart rate, and have some fun.

However you spend your vacation, you will be surprised by how easy it is to inject fun “thutt” busting fitness into your day!

In all seriousness though, this is not a good time of year for heart attacks and WebMD has a wonderful list titled “Preventing Holiday Heart Attacks” that everyone should read!

Excy Is Coming

Excy, a highly portable exercise device, will have some fun “thutt” busting exercises that you can take anywhere to fit fitness into your day.

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