Took a break at lunch today to squeeze in exercise while working. Decided to see how one of our favorite wearables, the Misfit Shine, would calculate an Excy workout. It’s not 100% because the Misfit Shine is designed more to calculate steps like a Fitbit, but it does give you an idea of how active you can get with Excy in a very short period of time. Using Excy with the Misfit Shine, the wearable calculated 5,680 steps, 1,670 calories and 2.9 miles and this was a very mild 30 minute workout with Excy compared to what’s possible, especially with our HIIT workouts. We do believe using a heart rate monitor is a much more effective way to measure effort with Excy, which we outlined in our post titled “Excy Fat Burner, Next up HIIT for this Busy Mom.” But this was still fun and we love wearables!

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