It’s not something that most people know about me, but I can’t run more than a mile-and-a-half without severe pain. I can sprint (if that’s what you call a 41-year-old mom racing her kid) and run intervals, but an ankle injury completely knocked me out of commission for running distance while in college. It’s one of many reasons that led to the idea of creating Excy as I searched for a way to make fitness fit my life with a crazy busy schedule.

During the process of getting ready to bring Excy to market, I have discovered that I’m not alone in having a running injury that sidelined one of the most obvious ways to get fit (and relieve stress). I’ve also discovered that those who do run (and love it) worry about injuries all the time.

Frequent comments I’ve heard:

  • “I use to be a runner until my knees gave out.”
  • “I’d like to run more, but not sure my body can handle it.”
  • “I need to start running again, but need to lose weight first so I don’t hurt myself.”
  • “Having a running injury would be devastating to my ability to exercise.”
  • “Doctor says I shouldn’t run more than twice a week after I’m done with rehab. How the heck am I going to get enough exercise?
  • “I thought a treadmill would help overcome my running injuries, but it doesn’t help. Plus, it’s boring!”

There’s great article in Shape titled “7 Ways to Become a Better Runner Without Running.” The article highlights several things runners can do when they’re not running to boost speed, build endurance, and stay injury free.

We are specifically designing Excy to be an amazing low impact cardio and strength building workout for fitness beginners and athletes. We can’t wait to put our portable exercise machine in the hands of our friends who run. When we do that, we think Buzz Feed might add “It’s hot/cold out here and this hurts. I should have just done Excy,” to its list of “75 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Out For A Run.” We just hope we’re at the top of the list.

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Photo credit: Buzz Feed


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