Research shows that strength training has dramatic effects on overall functioning and well-being. With Excy, strength training your arms, legs, and core doesn’t need to be complicated or excessive to work. The upper-body and lower-body rotational exercises provide strength-training benefits in the form of muscle hypertrophy (growth) and increased tonality (definition). Focus on trying to get the resistance high at least two days a week for 15-20 minute training sessions and you’ll start to see results. Go for a cardio and strength training combo by increasing the tension with high intensity bursts of at least 20 to 60 seconds near the peak of your ability, followed by a comparable recovery period of easier resistance activity or complete rest. You can receive these benefits even by training at low-endurance efforts at higher levels of resistance. There are several Excy positions where you could consider adding light dumbbells, a kettlebell or medicine ball for added weight training benefits, which many believe to be one of the best ways to lower body fat levels and maintain fitness with age. You can also engage your core in most Excy positions. Always start with a warm up for the best results.


Use Excy to Tone Upper and Lower Body

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