Welcome to Day 14 of the 30-Day Excy Challenge!

Tune in to the live workout on Facebook Live anytime, anywhere. Today, we will turn a picnic table into an upper body arm bike, as well as do some bicep curls in the midst of everyday life. We’ll keep focused on our high intensity interval training format of 30 seconds at high intensity intervals and 30 seconds at a lower intensity interval for 20 minutes.

Today’s Workout: Turn a Picnic Table Into an Upper Body Arm Bike

We are on the road and will turn a picnic table into an upper body ergometer for a low impact cardio workout, as well as integrate some bicep curls.

The Picnic Table Arm Bike Schedule:

2:00 – 2:30 (Light Crank. Spin. Press. Find comfortable resistance level)

2:30 – 3:00 (Strength Train With Bicep Curls Play for 30 seconds)

3:00 – 3:30 (Recover with a brisk pedal in forward or reverse with easier resistance or slow with resistance higher for strength training)

3:30 – 4:00 (Strength Train with Bicep Curls for 30 seconds)

4:00 – 4:30 (Recover with a brisk pedal in forward or reverse with easier resistance or slow with resistance higher for strength training)

4:30 – 5:00 (Strength Train with Bicep Curls for 30 seconds)

5:00 – 20:00 Repeat the 30-second intervals until 20 minutes is up!
When doing this on your own, make sure to use the Excy Mobile Coach (set your time to 20 minutes, then set your fast and slow intervals at 30 seconds each).

Theme: Get Your Sexy On

We have 14 days in and it’s time to celebrate some success. So, get dressed up, look your best, and treat yourself to a night of looking your best!

What You Will Need:

Excy stand-alone system. Stable Table Surface.

Quick Visual of Today’s Workout


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