The Circulation System is Beautiful and Exercise Gives it a Boost

There is a great article today in Experience Life, which is one of our favorite publications, titled “How Exercise Affects Circulation (and Vice Versa).” They do an awesome job breaking down how your circulation system can support athletic performance — and also benefit from optimal fitness. But even more important than athletic performance, they talk about how the circulatory system loves exercise, including the heart, the lungs, blood vessels, the liver, stomach and intestines, and the waste system. The article does an awesome job breaking down how exercise promotes blood-vessel health, protects against chronic disease, reduces heart disease risks, improves lymphatic function, and makes the heart bigger and stronger.

Excy can be such a wonderful and convenient way to squeeze in gym quality exercise on your own schedule for your circulation system, whether using Excy as recumbent exercise bike, upper body ergometer, or doing ground-based workout.

For example, see today’s live stream workout where we used Excy as an upper body ergometer for multiple positions on the floor (explore other workout positions at

So many different things can affect the circulatory system (including genetics and lifestyle factors, such as nutrition), but exercise is notably and scientifically effective. Just find time to move in your day to get the heart pumping well! Even mindfully think about the beauty of your vascular system and everything working together to improve your overall health.

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