Bed Exercises to Safely Cycle Yourself Strong Anywhere

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Bed Exercises for Burning Calories, Movement and Home Physical Therapy

In today’s live Excy workout, we use full body cycling bed exercises to work our heart, legs, core, butt, hips, thighs and upper body. For some, bed exercises are nice for those days when you just want to squeeze in exercise while watching TV. But for people who can’t stand or walk with ease, bed exercises while sitting or lying in the bed can be an amazing way to burn calories, work on range of motion, and focus on getting stronger without impacting joints. This comes in handy for a convenient workout, but might make exercise feel possible for those living with chronic health conditions, battling injury, or living with other limited mobility challenges.

For example, exercising in bed can be a special entry point for someone recovering from an ACL injury, joint replacement surgery, or battling morbid obesity or lymphedema. Many Excy bed exercises are possible even with back, hip, and knee problems that make other forms of exercise difficult and exceptionally painful. Small back and forth motions or calf raises with your feet on the Excy pedals while lying down can be a launch pad to get started. With our patented approach, there are no weight limits and the Excy full body cycling system doesn’t scoot. You also get the benefits of a quality lower and upper body ergometer for leg exercises and arm exercises in bed. We obviously want you to work directly with your doctor and physical therapist to determine what you can and can’t do to get started, and then create a personalized program that can help you make progress and build up your endurance over time.

We’ve explored exercising in bed in multiple live workouts to give you some ideas on how to put the system to work anywhere. If you are just getting started, choose one or two positions that you enjoy. Then, in consultation with your doctor and physical therapist start exploring different positions and resistance ranges (2-70 pounds of bi-directional resistance) as you gain more stamina. There are also a lot of other bed exercises you can explore to increase mobility, but give Excy a shot for cardio, strength training, and physical therapy.

Here’s a Snapshot of Today’s Live Bed Exercises

Our Most Common Bed Exercises

Snapshots of other Bed Exercises



Bed Exercises can also be moved to the floor!


Today’s Full Live Workout in a Bed


You can see more live Excy training at Excy works as a quality stationary recumbent exercise bike, upper body ergometer, floor exercise bike, step cycle, desk cycle, and full body resistance trainer. The system weighs 14 pounds and folds for easy storage and transport.

We are working on bringing the joy of cycling to all!

Always consult a doctor before starting a new exercise program.