Develop an exercise habit that is entwined with your daily routine and it will increase the likelihood of transforming your hit-and-miss exercise schedule into an almost-daily habit. With Excy, we’ve done our best to make it convenient to use Excy at the time and place that you have available to exercise. Once you find a consistent time and place that works for you, stick with it and make exercise a priority. But remember, life gets busy, so your time and place may change throughout the week, month, and year. Don’t be afraid to be flexible and switch up your exercise routine. Any amount of activity, no matter how small, is going to help you feel better, so don’t let a change in the schedule make you throw in the towel. Remind yourself that the purpose of being physically active is to improve your overall heath, vitality, and to feel good. Think about being consistent, steady, and committed to small steps each day. Make sure to mix up your routines and focus on the ones you enjoy to stay motivated.

Excy weighs 10 pounds and is easy to carry

Excy weighs 10 pounds and is easy to carry

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