How Much Time To Allow for ACL Recovery?
Whether you’re a serious athlete or actively aging in the sport of your choice, how we recover from injury can have a profound impact on everything from playing the sports we love to how we play with our kids. Our nature might be to be to return to play quickly, but not so fast for an ACL injury according to the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study titled “Simple decision rules can reduce reinjury risk by 84% after ACL reconstruction.” According to the study, patients who returned to level I sports had a 4.32 (p=0.048) times higher reinjury rate than those who did not. The reinjury rate was significantly reduced by 51% for each month RTS was delayed until 9 months after surgery, after which no further risk reduction was observed. 38.2% of those who failed RTS criteria suffered reinjuries versus 5.6% of those who passed (HR 0.16, p=0.075). Click here to read the report!
Talk to Your PT About Exercises to Do With an ACL Injury
Make sure to talk to your PT about how an upper body ergometer or an upper body arm bike like Excy might keep you active with upper body cardio during a knee injury, especially until your injury is fully recovered and the idea of losing your fitness can feel devastating. Excy can also be used as a traditional recumbent exercise bike.
Here’s what an Excy customer had to say about his experience. “Having been an active runner and cardiovascular junkie for the last 40 plus years, the reality of having to have knee surgery and being advised I’d be non-weight bearing for six weeks sent more than a bit of anxiety and trepidation through my body. I needed something that would allow an upper body workout without engaging my knee in any movement at all. Like a beacon of sunshine coming through a storm, I discovered the Excy. Now two weeks post op, I couldn’t be happier having been able to implement different arms only workouts with Excy in varying motions, speed and intervals such that I’m able to get my daily dose of endorphins. All of which helps my psyche and allows me to get though subsequent physical therapy on my leg without too much complaining. The Excy is a great machine that packs a mighty cardiovascular punch and is remarkably convenient and uniquely portable. I’m sure my addictive personality, and the joy of using the Excy, will have it remain part of my exercise routine even when I’m back up and running again!”
Read more about how customers use Excy during a knee injury at or how founder Michele Mehl used Excy with a broken leg.