Over the weekend, my son hurt his knee (avulsion fracture) during motocross. We will not know the full extent of his knee injury until the swelling is down, a complete range of motion test can be done, and possibly an MRI. Thankfully he was wearing knee braces and we are hoping for nothing other than the Avulsion fracture, which is tough enough, but a pretty quick recovery.

The example of my son’s knee injury (and my own journey with a broken leg) are common reasons we see customers purchase an Excy system. First, for upper body cardio and strength training using only your arms, and then in close coordination with a physical therapist for leg injury rehab at home with Excy as an exercise bike. Check out our customer reviews page for personal stories.

While the benefits of upper body ergometers / arm crank / arm cycle exercises are not as widely known as elliptical, treadmills, exercise bikes and other exercise equipment for cardio, the benefits should not be ignored. They are amazing for strengthening arms and shoulders and at the same time engaging the core stabilizing muscles. With the largest resistance range starting at easy to extremely difficult with 30 pounds of force at max tension and 15X the resistance torque of other portable exercise bikes, Excy can really step in during this time to feel like a beacon of light.

For the already active, the idea of not exercising can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve been training hard and seeing great results and the “use it or lose it” rule overwhelms your thoughts. Experts agree that the best way to avoid losing much of the health and fitness benefits you’ve worked so hard to achieve is to do something. Our competitive nature might be to be to return to play quickly, but not so fast, especially for an ACL injury. When injured, some loss of fitness is inevitable, but there are ways to help minimize it.

Here’s a quick video of my son and I thinking outside the box with Excy to workout together, have fun, and discovering opportunities to overcome the obstacle of a knee injury. This is a live stream on our Facebook channel, so excuse the lighting.

Of course, every injury is different and you should always seek medical advice from your doctor before starting a new exercise, especially with a medical condition.

–Michele Mehl




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