Inspired by the Inspired: Thank You!

We get to work with so many amazing people on this Excy journey. So often, we meet people with new and old injuries and there is a consistent theme: no one wants their injury or a diagnosis to define them or hold them back from doing the things they love. So, when we see people exercising after an ACL injury, whether its range of motion with cycling their legs or hammering out an upper body workout, we get inspired. When we see someone with Parkinson’s cycling his legs and arms on Excy and keeping at it because it makes him feel better, we push ourselves to be better. When we see someone days after hip or ankle surgery exercising with Excy from the bed or the couch, we make sure to turn sedentary moments into more physical activity. When we see someone with MS thinking about taking Excy to work to get more movement, then we remind ourselves to take exercise breaks vs. sitting without moving at a desk. The short story, we are inspired by the inspired. Please keep sharing your amazing stories because the more we can show people what’s possible, the more we can get the world to recognize the power of exercise to fight preventable disease, help prevent injury, and live a healthier life!

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