Fall Fitness HIIT Challenge for All

On November 1, we will kickoff a 30-day Fall Fitness HIIT Challenge (high intensity interval training). With winter just around the corner, seasonal treats everywhere, and temperature’s cooling off, this is the perfect time to focus on integrating exercise into your everyday routine at home, work, and on-the-go.

Unlike many other workout challenges designed only for the physically fit, this Fall Fitness HIIT Challenge is designed for everybody and every body type. The goal is show you just how much control, versatility, and flexibility you have with Excy to accommodate your goals.

You Are in Control of Resistance

During the challenge, we will demonstrate how to leverage the resistance in Excy to your advantage, whether fitness beginner or elite athlete. The goal is to show you multiple Excy positions where you can increase endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. But even more importantly, it’s to help you identify Excy fitness activities that you love and enjoy. Not everyone will be able to do every single workout, but each day, we will warm up with an easier position.

For us, this Fall Fitness HIIT Challenge is all about working towards the goal of completing a certain amount of exercise – in any capacity, every single day. You will learn how you can move more and about the power of HIIT training with Excy for total efficiency.

Enjoy the Benefits of HIIT

What’s great about HIIT is that it’s not just for the young or old, the fitness beginner or athlete, or even the healthy. HIIT is something that nearly everyone can benefit from, even people with chronic illness and disease who fall outside the traditional fitness mold. As people seek to understand the power and benefits of HIIT, it can get a little confusing. For example, a “HIIT” search on Amazon returns 6,000 results that point to a wide range of books, DVDs, equipment, shoes, and more. The results are even more confusing on Google where a “HIIT” search serves up 50,300,000 results. What you need to know is that HIIT training is made up of bursts of all-out exercise followed by short periods of rest for recovery. It is an approach to exercise that Time Magazine calls miraculous and has even been highlighted for reversing the signs of aging.

Excy and HIIT

Excy is about as good as it gets when it comes to convenient low impact high-intensity interval cycling, strength training with functional resistance, and combining strength-training and cycling. Not only for lower body, but also upper body cycling, which according to the American Council on Exercise burns approximately nine calories per minute when you exercise at a heart rate greater than 70 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Timing for the Excy Fall Fitness HIIT Challenge

While it is tempting to commit to a 30-day workout challenge that kicks off at the same time every day, rarely does everyone have enough flexibility in his or her schedule to participate. That’s why timing for the Excy Fall Fitness HIIT workouts will be spontaneous, but shared across our social media channels and at www.excy.live. You can find our social media channels at www.excy.social. You can tune in on your own schedule.

Download the free Excy mobile coaching application, which will be the driver behind the Fall Fitness HIIT Challenge. Always consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.


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