by excy | Oct 8, 2019 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy
Winter is around the corner. For many, that means rain, cold, wind, snow and a lot of reasons that make exercise challenging. We tend to take on a “Snuggle up” mentality, we eat more and we do less – human hibernation! But we are not bears. For many of us (especially...
by excy | Sep 24, 2019 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy
Convenient Access to Medical Fitness Drives Demand for Excy’s Exercise Equipment Rental Programs Excy is super excited to announce the availability of month-to-month and rent-to-own exercise equipment rental programs. We understand that many people who need access to...
by excy | Sep 10, 2019 | Butt Seriously: The Science of Exercise., Uncategorized
Leg Strengthening Exercises Can Help with Daily Life Whether you’re getting up from a chair, going up and down steps, or carrying groceries, your legs are involved in almost all of your daily activities. But, what if your leg muscles are weak, or not performing at...
by excy | Aug 15, 2019 | Butt Seriously: The Science of Exercise., Uncategorized
Our friends over at PT-Helper have a great blog post today showcasing exercises for stroke patients. This is near and dear to our heart as we work hard to help those who have suffered from a stroke cycle on the Excy arm ergometer as part of their exercise program. So,...
by excy | Aug 1, 2019 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
We are excited to start a new core training challenge for the month of August! The challenge will take place every other day! Timing will be spontaneous. Core Training—It’s Not Just About Abs! Most people think about a six-pack of abs or their tummy when it comes to...