by excy | Sep 16, 2020 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy
New Excy Hang On Bar: Ultimate Cardio and Strength Training Floor Exercises We’re super excited to announce the new Excy Hang On Bar because it adds an entirely new level of high force bi-directional leg cranking, spinning, and range of motion exercises! You...
by excy | Oct 19, 2016 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
Welcome to day 3 of the Live Excy 30-30-30 Challenge. During this 30-day challenge, we will focus on high intensity interval training cardio workouts and strength training. The format will be 30 seconds at high intensity intervals and 30 seconds at a lower intensity...
by excy | Mar 15, 2015 | Uncategorized
As we highlighted in the Excy blog post “Best 2015 Guide to Buying an Exercise Bike,” there are so many names for the spinning exercise favorite ranging from stationary cycle, exercise bicycle, exercise bike, studio cycle, indoor bike or exercycle. At Excy, we prefer...
by excy | Mar 10, 2015 | Uncategorized
Stationary cycle, exercise bicycle, exercise bike, studio cycle, indoor bike or exercycle? At Excy, we don’t care what you call it! We just love the amazing health benefits of this staple piece of exercise equipment and its low-impact and high-gain cardio exercise...