There are countless apps for on-demand services from transportation, to finding a nanny, to ordering groceries, but getting the benefits of quality therapeutic cycling equipment has required us to be in a certain place at a certain time. Why? Quality cycling equipment is heavy! Not anymore! Time for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and sports rehab therapeutic cycling to be as on-demand as e-commerce.

We want to make it easy to apply what you do in the clinic with a stationary recumbent exercise bike and upper body ergometer (UBE) during everyday life at home, work, and on the go. In other words, where you spend the most time. For us, that means making quality portable equipment and mobile instruction available to you at the exact time and place you need it in the clinic or anywhere else your schedule takes you.


New Physical Therapy Instructional Videos

Today, we are excited to announce over 20 new ergonomic upper and lower body instructional videos by physical therapists. The new ergonomic instructional videos demonstrate how to ride Excy properly as a stationary recumbent exercise bike, upper body ergometer, desk cycle, unicycle, and range of motion device throughout the rehabilitation life cycle.


New Backwards and Forwards Cognitive Cycling Workout

We are also excited to announce a new cognitive-based cycling “Backwards & Forwards” interval workout launched in our free Excy Mobile Coach for Android and iOS. The new Backwards & Forwards workout was inspired by a young 17-year-old man who had a stroke in utero and is great for training opposing muscles, but also for brain training.


New Excy Smartphone Holder

We also announced a new Smartphone Holder for a built-in hands-free screen experience with your own phone. The Excy Smartphone holder is $34.99 and can be purchased on our website or Amazon.


Excy has primarily attracted riders who temporarily or permanently are impacted by limited mobility due to an injury, surgery, genetics, a diagnosis like Parkinson’s disease, or a life altering health event. The new physical therapy additions to the Excy Mobile Coach now offer a wide range of instructions that includes nine leg cycling positions and 12 upper body ergonomic positions. These tutorials cover light movement after surgery all the way through advanced training post rehabilitation to build strength and endurance.

Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and sports rehab examples!


Home Physical Therapy Cycling

Pediatric Stroke Upper Body Cycling

Hip Surgery Recovery

Limited Leg Mobility

So often, an injury or diagnosis is the falling off point for our health and ends up leading to less movement and longer-term health complications. The more we can eliminate these hurdles and create a connection between the physical therapy clinic and home, the better the health outcomes will be.

Read the press release here.

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