by excy | Oct 23, 2016 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
Welcome to Day 8 of the Excy Cross Training 30-30-30 Challenge! Tune in Live at noon PT at! Today’s Workout: Upper Body Stairway to Health During today’s challenge, we will focus on using Excy as an upper body arm bike on stairs for maximum...
by excy | Oct 23, 2016 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Welcome to Day 7 of the Live Excy 30-30-30 Challenge. Today’s Cross Training Theme: Forget the Schedule Be Spontaneous. Do you ever feel like you’re always scheduling something? A work meeting? The kid’s next dentist...
by excy | Oct 20, 2016 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
Tune into Day 5 of the Excy Portable Cross Trainer 30-30-30 Live Challenge on October 21 at 12:00 noon PT! During today’s challenge, we will focus on resistance training and using the Excy portable cross trainer to turn a standard chair with four legs into a highly...
by excy | Oct 20, 2016 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
Welcome to day 4 of the Live Excy 30-30-30 Challenge. During today’s challenge, we will focus on using Excy like a conventional Upper Body Ergometer (UBE) in which you essentially “pedal” with your hands. The format will be 30 seconds at high intensity intervals and...
by excy | Oct 19, 2016 | Excy Workouts: Cardio, Strength Training, and Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
Welcome to day 3 of the Live Excy 30-30-30 Challenge. During this 30-day challenge, we will focus on high intensity interval training cardio workouts and strength training. The format will be 30 seconds at high intensity intervals and 30 seconds at a lower intensity...