Hand Ergometer Squat-N-Cycle with Excy Portable Exercise Bike

Hand Ergometer Squat-N-Cycle with Excy Portable Exercise Bike

Hand Ergometer Squat-N-Cycle with Excy Portable Exercise Bike Quick tip: Optimal Pin Placement: Top hole. Stand with feet apart, directly under your hips, and lower yourself into a squatted position. Knees shouldn’t extend beyond toes. Keep back flat, spine in neutral...
Sitting Upright Cycling in Bed with Excy

Sitting Upright Cycling in Bed with Excy

Sitting Upright Cycling in Bed with Excy Quick Tip: Optimal Pin Placement: No pin (will vary). Place the Keeper on the floor and connect to Excy. Use a wall, couch, inclining surface (hospital bed or physical therapy table), or exercise ball for back support while...
Rowing Exercise with Excy Upper Body Ergometer

Rowing Exercise with Excy Upper Body Ergometer

Rowing Exercise with Excy Upper Body Ergometer Quick tip: Optimal pin placement: Top hole (will vary). Sit on floor or in a bed. Open Excy, turn it around and place chrome base under sitting bones. Open Slide to leg length (if no Slide, legs will extend over the bar)....
Plank Exercise Cycle with Excy Portable Exercise Bike

Plank Exercise Cycle with Excy Portable Exercise Bike

Plank Exercise Cycle with Excy Portable Exercise Bike Quick tip: No pin for this exercise. Place Excy on the floor and attach the Keeper. Get in plank position with hands on the pedals and toes on the Keeper. Keep shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles in line. Contract...