Thank You Veterans: One Marine’s Hand Bike Journey with SciFit and Excy
Proud Marine, Mom, and Hand Cycling Paralyzed Veteran Medalist As we celebrate Veteran's Day, it's important to honor those serving today and in years past. So, we wanted to share one Marine’s story and say thank you to all veterans. We also want to extend a special...

Leg Strengthening Exercises at Home, Work, or On the Go!
Leg Strengthening Exercises Can Help with Daily Life Whether you’re getting up from a chair, going up and down steps, or carrying groceries, your legs are involved in almost all of your daily activities. But, what if your leg muscles are weak, or not performing at...

The Connection Between Sleep and Exercise
When people envision their healthiest lifestyle, it’s tempting to concentrate solely on exercise. While it’s good to regularly hit the gym, exercise should be complemented with good quality sleep. Sleep and exercise are two interdependent pieces of the puzzle that...

Exercises for Stroke Patients Explored
Our friends over at PT-Helper have a great blog post today showcasing exercises for stroke patients. This is near and dear to our heart as we work hard to help those who have suffered from a stroke cycle on the Excy arm ergometer as part of their exercise program. So,...

Can Self-Care Be Simple and Inexpensive? HealthYeah!
Image courtesy of Unsplash Can Self-Care Be Simple and Inexpensive? HealthYeah! Guest author: Emma Grace Brown For many of us, time and money are at a premium these days, and the last thing self-care should feel like is added pressure. If you think it requires...

Core Training Full-Body Excy August Challenge
We are excited to start a new core training challenge for the month of August! The challenge will take place every other day! Timing will be spontaneous. Core Training—It’s Not Just About Abs! Most people think about a six-pack of abs or their tummy when it comes to...

Christine Lusita Puts Excy on ‘Best of the Best’ Fun Fitness List for IDEA World
Christine Lusita, author of “The Right Fit Formula”, was on CBS8 in San Diego this morning to highlight the best of the best for IDEA World 2019. We loved seeing Excy on the list! Here's the video! IDEA World is one of the largest fitness conferences in the world and...

Excy Upgrades Mobile Coach Platform with Upper Body Exercises for XCR 300 Arm Ergometer
New Mobile Coach Makes Upper Body Exercises for the XCR 300 Available for Anytime, Anywhere Training We are excited to announce an upgraded version of our free Mobile Coach platform. All designed to empower individuals, rehab professionals, and personal trainers to...

Is it Time to Squash Obesity Myths? HealthYeah!
Live Chat with Sean Mulroney About Obesity Myths For this week’s HealthYeah interview, we sat down Sean Mulroney, creator of The Obesity Revolution. During the interview we discuss obesity myths, presumptions, and facts surrounding obesity. We get into the topics of...

Can lifestyle eyecare choices improve eye health? HealthYeah!
Eyecare Health Tips Offered Up as Important Part of Health In this week’s HealthYeah video interview series, we sat down with Dr. Kading of Specialty Eyecare Group to chat about eye health. So often, we take eye health for granted as it relates to our overall health....

Is Navigating Elderly Care Difficult? HealthYeah!
Elderly Care Navigation: Lets Talk Nursing Home vs. Assisted Living and Much More! During this HealthYeah interview with Heather Eacker, founder of Eldercare Navigators, we get into the challenges of navigating elder care. Heather gives some wonderful advice,...

Can We Apply the Principles of Sports Therapy Throughout Life? HealthYeah!
Today, Excy co-founder and CEO Michele Mehl sat down with Julie Vanni from Biojunction Sport Therapy. During the interview the two discuss how strength and conditioning principles of sports physical therapy apply throughout life. Today’s interview continues our...

Can Exercise Help the Stages of Grief? HealthYeah! Hear One Woman’s Journey and Tips!
Lets Talk About Sweating Out Sadness from Grief Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are some of the most commercialized holidays of the year. Both holidays assume that everybody’s mom or dad is alive. However, as we all know this isn't the case. So, these holidays can be...

Should Riding a Bike Be Fun and Pain Free? HealthYeah! Bike Fit Matters!
Bike Fit is Key to the Joy of Cycling! Earlier this week Excy co-founder and CEO Michele Mehl interviewed Erik Moen of Bike PT and Corpore Sano PT. We focused the discussion how to make cycling pain free and fun no matter your age or ability level. After all, anyone...

Is There More Than Meets the Eye to Sexual Health and Intimacy? HealthYeah!
Our May HealthYeah! Series is All About Moms and Women for Mother’s Day Today Excy co-founder and CEO Michele Mehl sat down with Amy Buckalter, Pulse founder and CEO, to discuss sexual health and intimacy. Amy is modernizing a new approach to provide a safer, cleaner,...

Is Founder Depression and Anxiety Real? HealthYeah! Especially with a Mental Health History
An Honest Discussion About Founder Depression and Anxiety During this week’s HealthYeah live video interview, Excy co-founder and CEO Michele Mehl sat down with Megan McNally to discuss founder depression and anxiety. Megan, a successful lawyer, the founder of The...

Is Shoulder and Upper Body Conditioning Important? HealthYeah! Shoulder Pain is NO Fun. Lets Chat!
Shoulder Pain and Injuries Impacts Daily Living. What Can We Do? During this week's HealthYeah interview, Excy co-founder and CEO Michele Mehl sat down with Alex Wirta, clinical director and physical therapist at Bridle Trails. According to research, shoulder pain...

Are Alzheimer’s and Dementia Hard? HealthYeah! Interview Recap with Ian Kremer of LEAD Coalition
Are Alzheimer’s and Dementia Hard? HealthYeah! Alzheimer’s, along with similar forms of dementia, affects nearly 44 million people worldwide. While treatment options can reduce symptoms, there is currently no cure for the disease. Excy co-founder and CEO Michele Mehl...

Is Corporate Fitness Important to Wellness Programs? HealthYeah!
Corporate Fitness is Key to Workplace Wellness Programs In this week’s HealthYeah Live Video Blog Series, we interviewed Bryce Finck, founder and COO at Stack Health. StackHealth offers a web-based wellness program designed for companies that want to take a proactive...

Upper Body Fitness Critical During Excy Anti-Sedentary April Challenge
This morning we kicked off our April Anti-Sedentary Challenge to show you a few ideas for getting those arms outside their modern day T-Rex zones on our keyboards, our phones, and our steering wheels. In the spirit of April Fools Day, we even sported a T-Rex...